Friday, December 4, 2015

Things Fall Apart Chapter 13- A Eulogy

Chapter 13 in Things Fall Apart is a eulogy for Ezeudu. defines "eulogy" as "a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially a set oration in honor of a deceased person." But this is a little different in Umuofia.

Most of the chapter speaks about how Ezeudu "was a great man (121)", so much so that "all the clan was at his funeral (121)."
But the eulogy for Ezeudu is executed more through actions than through words like a typical speech. This speech is done through retributions, dances, and music. Guns shout, drums bellow, and footsteps beating against the ground softly console the dead's spirit into the afterlife. After someone important dies, the rest of the clan almost goes crazy and let's all of their anger out. They "dashed around in frenzy, cutting down every tree or animal they saw, jumping over walls and dancing on the roof (121)." (We all know how dancing can relieve pressure and let us escape our thoughts.)

The book does pay tribute in real words as well, and it credits how well respected a man he was. He held one of the highest titles in the clan- the third. Because of this, he "was to be buried after dark with only a glowing brand to light the sacred ceremony (123)." This was considered highly respectable.

This aspect of the funeral also shows the culture of the clan and the land. Titles were highly valued along with elders. It was viewed the older you were, the wiser you were. This once again establishes Ezeudu's rank and importance.

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