In Things Fall Apart, the setting is crucial to the plot of the story. It is important to understand that Umuofia is nothing like Sicklerville or Philly; Umuofia is a group of multiple tribal villages (there are no McDonalds or Starbucks anywhere in sight).
Umuofia is almost like a character in itself. The personification of the "town" almost brings it to life so the reader can understand its traits and quirks, such as how it "was feared by all its neighbors (pg 11)" or how it "was powerful in war and in magic (pg 11)." Although Umuofia is described as being able to strike fear into the hearts of any other surrounding town, it is also described as a strictly fair place that "never went to war unless it's case was clear (pg 12)," or they were 100% sure about that their motives to fight were pure.
Different features make up Umuofia as well- such as the children, the elders, the rich. and the poor. The elders advice is usually the law of the land, and the wealthy are looked upon like royalty.
In the movie Monster House, a haunted house literally comes to life and wreaks havoc. This picture is almost how I imagine Umuofia- it is a person in itself. It is feared and powerful, but still cherished and loved by all who know it.
I like how you bring up the fact that Umuofia is not like any place we've ever been to so that, in a way, we don't understand the storyline. However, Umuofia is similar to that of any town or city in that the rich is basically referred to as "royalty". Also, Mondter House is a great representation of what Umuofia can be viewed as.