Achebe once again displays character traits of Okonkwo that attribute to the negative things happening in his life. Okonkwo's will to not look weak continuously ruins his position in life. After taking part of Ikemefuna's death, Okonkwo "drank palm wine from morning till night"(pg.63). Soon after, Okonkwo spoke with his friend, Obierika. Within their conversation, Achebe displayed an interesting fact about the tribe and villagers. While speaking with Obierika, they discuss traditions of neighboring tribes. In doing so, they reveal specs of their own traditions and beliefs. For instance, Machi finds the traditions absurd and says " You might as well say that the woman lies on top of the man when they are making the children." (pg. 74). This, alone, says a great deal about this tribe and its beliefs. From prior knowledge, one can assume that the men in these tribes are viewed as dominant and superior to women. By having a woman lay on top of a man during a sexual act, this puts the woman in a position of power. Achebe also shows the deep rooted beliefs in the tribe. As soon as the priestess, Chielo,calls for Ezinma to meet the oracle in the hills, Okonkwo obeys and does so. This meant carrying Ezinma to a cave at night and leaving her there. this deep faith of the Gods/ higher power is intriguing. To anyone else, an act so bizarre would be out of question but not for Okonkwo and his family.
This picture relates to Things Fall Apart because it illustrates people worshipping Gods such as Okonkwo and his Klan.
I like that you noticed that the man being on top during a sexual act can show that a tribe believes men are superior to women. Also,the tribe definitely believes in some rather odd traditions. The whole idea of killing people because an oracle said so is bizarre.